Monday 15 October 2012

[Showcase] Various Images #1

Though these aren't drawn by anyone in particular that I am influenced by, these are drawings that I really like, or inspire my work. They are the type of drawings that I want to be able to create, one's that don't really focus on the characters, but mostly on the background and stuff in the background, I thought i'd share them to show you what drawings are the type that interest me the most.

The drawings are all focusing on the backgrounds and feature 1 or 2 characters. The main reason I love these images is because they speak so much, there is so much going on you can see a story or you can think of a story from the picture alone without knowing what is happening. The images vary from interior to exterior, either a city, field or a bedroom you can see so much from the drawings. Something I want to create one day and have tried but failed to do in the past.

I think the main reason I really like images like this is because the area's tell so much about something, the rooms are messy and very clustered to show they are very busy and messy people, usually the people in the picture are on a computer or drawing something which shows they are very creative people. Apart from that the other thing I look at on pictures like these is the sky and far background, they will usually be incredibly beautiful and speak volume.

Drawings like this could be compared to something that Kazuo Oga would create, the background artist for the Studio Ghibli animations. This is because the backgrounds are incredibly well done and could even be compared to a real photograph, such as the top picture with the sunset and the girl sat on the stairs. Though some of the backgrounds are far more cartoony than others such as the girl in her room drawing and the girl in space playing a computer game.

Soon I will try to draw drawings like this, focusing on a large background with lots to speak for, and a person inhabiting the area. It is something I have wanted to do for a while now and I think it will look really well when I do it, I just need to think of a premise for the background.

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